Our work is about creating a better, more equal society for women in Wolverhampton.
We address issues by campaigning for change, supporting women in local community and public life, undertaking creative projects, and celebrating and promoting women’s successes through our network.
We work with a range of organisations including other local voluntary organisations, public sector organisations, larger charities and individual entrepreneurs.
Current Projects:Peer Support and Connections:
Join our weekly Thursday Group for companionship in a welcoming space.
Wellbeing and women:
Mothers of primary age children and young women in Wolverhampton are supported to improve anxiety levels, facilitate positive changes in their lives, achieve their goals, and foster a supportive and inclusive group environment. The aim of this programme is to enhance the well-being and social connectivity of the participants. To date 8 groups have been supported and the feedback has been very positive.
The Way We Are:
An oral history project which captures the voices and rich experiences of local women. For more information see this:
Women of Wolverhampton, "The Way We Are" oral history project | The National Archives.
Gender Equality:
Supporting and monitoring gender equality action in the city.